Dec 4, 2020
This year has been full of unexpected challenges, so this week, let’s talk about how to plan for the new year. First, Dr. Patton McDowell (podcast host of “Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership”) discusses mergers, alliances, and other forms of collaboration that could help your nonprofit work more efficiently and have a greater impact. Then Jenni offers three tips to improve the way you communicate with your supporters in 2021.
Find Jenni’s Marketing and Communications Calendar at!
Our podcast guests this week are:
--Dr. Patton McDowell /
--Michelle Gustafson, who hops in for our new “Dad Jokes” segment!
Nonprofit Jenni provides consulting services and coaching calls for nonprofits and social impact organizations seeking guidance in the areas of Marketing and Fundraising. Visit to learn more.
Produced by Ben Hill Sound -
Music by Emily Summers.
©2020 Nonprofit Jenni. All Rights