Jul 10, 2020
Back when it first became clear that in-person nonprofit events wouldn’t be possible during the COVID-19 pandemic, I recorded a coaching call I had with two nonprofit leaders (Emily and Sydni) to advise them on how to plan their very first virtual fundraising event. They gave me permission to release the recording on my podcast, so I published the call on May 1 in an episode called “Advice for Your First Virtual Fundraising Event”. After the call, Sydni downloaded my Silent and Online Auction Guide (available at nonprofitjenni.com/coursesandmore) to decide whether they could pull off an online auction at the event.
This week, Sydni is back on the podcast to share her tips for YOUR next charitable online auction! She gives some advice that comes straight from my Silent and Online Auction Guide, plus she shares the behind-the-scenes story of how her nonprofit planned a successful auction that ended up bringing in an additional $8,700 of event revenue.
Download Nonprofit Jenni’s Silent and Online Auction Guide at nonprofitjenni.com/coursesandmore
Our guest this week
--Sydni Dicke from
Williamson County CASA
Nonprofit Jenni provides consulting services and coaching calls for nonprofits and social impact organizations seeking guidance in the areas of Marketing, Fundraising, Growth, and Starting Up. Visit nonprofitjenni.com to learn more.
All information in the Nonprofit Jenni Show is very general in nature, and may not apply to your specific nonprofit organization. Please direct clarifying questions to Nonprofit Jenni by visiting nonprofitjenni.com.
Produced by Wayfare Recording Co.
Music by Emily Summers.
©2020 Nonprofit Jenni. All Rights Reserved.