Nov 6, 2020
Nine months into the COVID-19 pandemic, we still have no idea when it will be safe to host events in person again. Some nonprofits were able to pivot quickly to virtual events, but many nonprofit leaders still feel unsure how to get started in planning their organization’s first virtual event. This week, Jenni interviews Melissa Norden, the Executive Director of Bottomless Closet in New York, about how she planned and hosted her nonprofit’s first ever virtual event. We also play another round of nonprofit trivia! This time, our trivia questions are all about how to make your fundraising events earn more revenue.
Our podcast guests this week are:
--Melissa Norden from Bottomless Closet (
--Michelle Gustafson from Caritas of Austin
This episode is sponsored by the podcast “Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership”, hosted by Dr. Patton McDowell. Find “Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership” wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit to listen.
Nonprofit Jenni provides consulting services and coaching calls for nonprofits and social impact organizations seeking guidance in the areas of Marketing and Fundraising. Visit to learn more.
Produced by Ben Hill Sound -
Music by Emily Summers.
©2020 Nonprofit Jenni. All Rights