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Nonprofit Jenni Show

The Nonprofit Jenni Show explores nonprofit management, marketing, and development topics. Host Jenni Hargrove invites professionals from a wide variety of cause areas to weigh in with their experiences. Each episode also includes an Anonymous Q&A segment where Jenni answers controversial questions submitted by nonprofit staff and board members.

May 3, 2021

This week, we chat with Joanne Samuel Goldblum, founder of the National Diaper Bank Network and coauthor of the new book “Broke in America: Seeing, Understanding, and Ending U. S. Poverty”. Joanne offers advice for nonprofit leaders who are working to combat deep-rooted systemic issues, like poverty.

In this episode, we mention a few resources you may want to check out:

— My podcast episode about how nonprofits can engage in advocacy (tap here to listen, or search for episode #75 in your podcast app)

— Giveaway! I’m giving away a free copy of Joanne’s book on my Instagram

Visit to get Marketing and Fundraising resources, find support for your organization, or to contact Jenni. 

Produced by Ben Hill Sound

Music by Emily Summers


©2021 Nonprofit Jenni. All Rights Reserved.